Haven’t you ever noticed your kids all lost in their own world? We bet you must have observed that many times! Well, the fact is that although children are unaware of the intricacies of real life, they have vivid imaginations and are…

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Have you ever asked yourself, “Did I do the right thing” after scolding your children? Even if you have, trust us, this is one of the most common dilemma that every parent goes through. Though we at Dayawati Modi Academy, positioned among…

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As adults, we understand that overcoming challenges yield rich benefits. But a young child’s mind is too underdeveloped to understand the concept. You see, they are unaware of the ruthlessly competitive world out there. Thus, they lack the proper motivation and the…

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Have you ever hit your children for speaking rudely to elders? Or, have you ever hit them for throwing unnecessary tantrums? If yes, then know that it’s unnecessary! You might say, “That’s easy for you! They don’t behave themselves unless we do.”…

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 Teenage is a sensitive period. There’s no denying about that! Blame it on the hormonal, physical, emotional, intellectual, and a lot many changes happening in the body, but yes, the teenage years is that phase in life when a child is emotionally…

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One aspect of the growing-up years of children that most parents remain seriously concerned about is their child’s ability to maintain a strong immune system and fight diseases. Of late, especially after the pandemic, multiple lifestyle changes have taken place in children’s…

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How many times do you get angry at your child? Too often, we bet! But don’t worry, as anger is one of the strongest emotions in the entire emotional spectrum. The question is if you should let it determine who you are?…

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Ask any modern-world parent about the kind of school they would want to have for their children, and a unanimous answer would be the one that is capable of moulding children to not just excel in academics but also come out as…

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Did you know that Indian cuisine has found a place for itself among the top 10 world-famous cuisines? Indian delicacies are particularly popular in countries like the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Germany, France, and the US. In fact, people in…

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The constant clamor for attention by your child can, of course, get quite overwhelming for you as a parent. However, you’re not the only parent who’s experiencing this problem! The continual need for attention by children is a common issue in most…

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