One aspect of the growing-up years of children that most parents remain seriously concerned about is their child’s ability to maintain a strong immune system and fight diseases. Of late, especially after the pandemic, multiple lifestyle changes have taken place in children’s lives, which are possibly impacting their immune system. But what if we tell you that even if your child’s immune system may not be at the optimum level at present, it is 100% possible to reverse the triggers?

Yes, you read that right! However, reversal is only possible when you know about the possible causes. So, in this article today, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the leading schools in Meerut, will shed light on five such habits of children that could be negatively impacting their immune system. Read on and take note.

  1. Sleeping Late

One of the most underrated yet most important ways of improving one’s immune system is by ensuring a sound sleep of 8 to 10 hours. Though of late, we have seen that many children are getting into the habit of exposing themselves to electronic items before bedtime. Remember, sleeping late and lack of sleep could possibly be the trigger behind disturbed sleep cycles and thereby reduced immunity.

Lack of sleep prevents the free and sufficient flow of oxygen in the brain, which in turn ends up messing up with the child’s immunity. Thus, make sure that you focus on curating an on-point bedtime routine for your children and stick to the same.

  1. Lack of Physical Activeness

Gone are the days when children found solace playing in the outdoors. Today, all that children want to do is get cozy on their favorite couch and spend time watching television, playing video games, or mindlessly scrolling through a parent’s mobile phone. Such habits lead to children developing a strange dislike towards physically driven activities like outdoor sports. This lack of activeness stagnates the growth of disease-fighting cells among children, which leads to a weak and powerless immune system.

  1. Lack of Proper Hydration

One of the first ways of improving a child’s immune system is ensuring that the child intakes a sufficient amount of water each day. As parents, you will be quick to claim that children do not mind stuffing themselves on sodas, but show resistance when it is time to hydrate on water. We understand your concern, and that’s why we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, always teach our pupils about the importance of hydration in flushing out toxins from one’s body. We firmly believe children should know that intake of enough water is necessary in order to ensure smooth functioning of the digestive system, which is one of the prerequisites in building a strong immune system.

  1. Poor Hygiene:

If you are working towards improving your child’s immune system, then you should quickly check the level of hygiene that is being maintained by your child. After all, lack of hygiene is one of the biggest hurdles as far as improving one’s immune system is concerned.

You can begin with the basics, where you need to keep a check on whether your children wash their hands before mealtime, brush their teeth properly, and trim their nails on time. An improved level of hygiene ensures reduced exposure to germs, which in turn helps with building a strong immune system.

  1. Inappropriate Eating Pattern:

It has been seen that with the advent of “ready-to-eat” and “quick bites” kinds of food, more and more children have started finding solace in consuming unhealthy junk food items. However, an important point to note here is most of such food is unhealthy as it is high in terms of oil and sugar content. Even though such food items appear tasty at first, they do more bad than good to the body. No doubt, they have a role to play in destroying a child’s immune system and thus should be best avoided!

Therefore, as a parent, if you are concerned about your child’s weak immune system, it is time you focus on providing your child with balanced meals that are high in nutrition and have a rightful presence of minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients.

The “Lack” that is unacceptable

At Dayawati Modi Academy, positioned among the best schools in Meerut, we have come to understand that one of the first reasons behind children having a weak immune system is a lack of realization among parents as to what can be done in a more appropriate manner. What happens is, many times, basic ill habits go unnoticed, which even though at first might appear as minute hurdles, in reality, are major causes responsible for a weak immune system. It is hence important to take a close note of all such habits and work on them to ensure that our little ones remain happy and healthy always!

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