Teenage is a sensitive period. There’s no denying about that! Blame it on the hormonal, physical, emotional, intellectual, and a lot many changes happening in the body, but yes, the teenage years is that phase in life when a child is emotionally weakest. As such, developing mental illnesses, anxiety, depression, etc., are more likely to crop up if proper care is not taken.

No wonder child psychologists and experts speak a lot about mental health for teens!

However, due to lack of information about mental health, the topic often goes unnoticed in many households. So today, we at Dayawati Modi Academy, best school in meerut, will shed light on the issue of mental health in teenagers and discuss how to help ensure the mental sanity of your teen kids. Let’s delve in! 

Empowering Them with The Knowledge is Crucial!

Remember, your children’s formative years, i.e., teenage years, are entirely in your hands. What they achieve and who they become solely rely on how you manage them during this crucial phase of their life. As such, the knowledge you hold and provide to your kids determines their development. Thus, we are sharing below a few tips in this regard on how to make sure that your kids have good mental health. Read on.

  • “Let’s talk”: Short and simple, yet very powerful! Note that children don’t fuss just for the sake of it. If they do, it is a surefire sign that your child is under a lot of stress, and stress is synonymous with mental health issues. Teenagers who suffer from too much stress can’t concentrate on their studies or anything else. Thus, you must train your children to handle stress. For instance, you can tell them to take brief breaks whenever they start to lose concentration. Encourage them to do deep breathing exercises and listen to Brown Noise with headphones. Gentle Brown Noise is excellent for increasing focus, and people use it frequently these days. Yoga is another good option.
  • “Don’t feel bad. It happens to me as well. Keep on trying, and you’ll eventually do well. I guarantee it!”Teenagers need assurance, especially from you, their parents, as they love you more than anything. So, reinforce to them that success and failure are part and parcel of life. Tell them if they fail, it’s okay to fail again; eventually, they will not. They’ll understand that failure is fleeting, but success isn’t. This will help forge their character.

As a parent, this is the most important advice you can give your child. They’ll know that you’ll love them no matter who they are. They’ll also feel acceptance. However, as a parent, you must play your part as well. At times, only advice doesn’t work; help is also essential. For example, if they are performing badly in their studies, see how they can do better and help them, if possible, with their studies. This will strengthen your bond further. However, if you can’t help them with their studies, arrange for it and monitor their progress, but never nag.

  • “You don’t have to be sad all the time! Would you like to discuss what’s troubling you?”: Since you’ve already talked to them about handling stress, this part should be easy because it’s similar, however important. Sadness may be a sign of depression. You must uproot it early, or else the consequences will be disastrous. It’ll also lead to anxiety, causing your children to underperform in studies and life. This is because the byproduct of depression and anxiety suppresses success. You must tell them that whenever they are feeling sad, they must come to you, and you’ll handle it. This act will take your relationship to the next level. You must teach them about the importance of perseverance.

You must also show them examples of famous people who were failures once yet achieved unimaginable feats. Some prime examples are inventors, artists, and athletes. Also, encourage them to read self-help books. We guarantee the cumulative effects of this habit will have amazing effects on your child.

  • “I don’t ever want to hear that word! As parents, we expected better!”Although controversial, we at DMA, being one of the best school in meerut, will address this topic. While you must always try and maintain your composure, you might have to be sometimes strict and borderline harsh as well. But the question is when? Isn’t it obvious – When you hear them say something stereotypical or bigoted. You must put an end to it immediately, or else it will keep lingering in their mind and might impact their mental health.

You see, in this modern world, everyone uses social media, including children. It is a wonderful experience as you interact and form friendships with people worldwide. But not everyone is pleasant. One of the worst types is bigoted individuals. They use unsavory language, and your precious children mustn’t be maligned with such thoughts. Ensure that you monitor their online activities and take action if necessary. However, ensure that you do something nice for your children when they realize their mistakes. This act will soothe things over, and they’ll realize you did it for their benefit.

In a nutshell…

Remember, good and stable mental health is crucial for your teenagers to grow into sane, happy, and amicable individuals. And you, the parents, have a vital role to play in this regard. We hope this article will give you some guidance on how to go about it. We will be back with more insightful stories to aid you in your parenting endeavors. Till then, happy parenting!

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