Have you ever hit your children for speaking rudely to elders? Or, have you ever hit them for throwing unnecessary tantrums? If yes, then know that it’s unnecessary!

You might say, “That’s easy for you! They don’t behave themselves unless we do.” That’s a fair point! But have you noticed that your kids resume the same behavior after a few days? Why do you think this happens? It is because hitting children to discipline them does not have a lasting impact. More often than not, it does more harm than good.

We do understand that you, as an adult and, moreover a parent, work really hard to earn a decent living for your family. After all, you have to put food on the table and take care of all the expenses that amount to a lot. It is no surprise that all such tasks sap your mind and physically drain you. Thus, feeling tired, irritated, and lashing out isn’t something unusual. But trust us when we say – Resist the urge whenever you feel like doing it. Just take a deep breath, relax, and handle things calmly.

If you’re still not convinced, stick with us at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the best CBSE school in Meerut, and let us persuade you about that through this article today. After all, if there’s a more amicable solution, wouldn’t you rather accept it?

Why Can’t One Shed a Positive Light On This Mode Of Discipline?

One can’t shed a positive light on it because there’s nothing positive about hitting. This is even more reinforced by the fact that it’s a Children’s Rights violation and a punishable offense, even if a parent is involved. But that’s the legal aspect. What’s worse is it has long-lasting psychological effects on the child. Now, let’s look at the types of harm this act may cause:

  • Might lead to depression: The idea of hitting children may seem like a quick fix for discipline, but it could be the root cause of depression. It’s not just the act of hitting that causes the depression, but the feeling of powerlessness and anger that leads to it. The children may feel like they are not being heard or respected by their parents, making them feel hopeless and disconnected from their families.
  • Causes them to lash out: As mentioned before, hitting children may develop a sense of powerlessness and anger in them. While it may cause depression, it may also cause the child to lash out. You see, if you apply physical force on them, they will feel intimidated. However, since they can’t vent their frustrations on you, they may do so on outsiders, such as other kids or siblings. It may have severe effects as the child may develop into a bully. Now all of us know that no one likes bullies. Thus, they won’t develop a social circle, and even if they do, they’ll be amongst similar kids with such tendencies. What’s worse, kids in these social circles often make bad choices that they regret in life.
  • Sets a bad example for them to follow: Have you ever been taken aback by how much your child acts like you? Why do you think this is so? You see, young children put their parents on a pedestal. This is because they love and trust you more than anyone. So, they try to emulate you. Hence, you should be very careful with handling things in front of them. You should think about what you’re trying to teach them. You want them to learn how to behave in a way that doesn’t hurt others. If you hit them, they’ll think that it’s okay to do so, as it’s something you are doing as well.

A Hopeful Future

Let’s be frank now; kids will be kids. They’ll drive you crazy sometimes, but that’s the joy of parenting. Isn’t it? It is these challenges that’ll truly polish your parenting skills. The more you find amicable and respectable ways of discipline, the better a parent you’d be.

What’s more, we guarantee that if you stay calm, you’ll also stay physically and mentally fit. Hopefully, this article from us at Dayawati Modi Academy, ranked among the best CBSE school in Meerut, has been helpful. We’re sure we’ve gotten through to you and have been able to help you understand why you should refrain from hitting your children. See you in the next post. Till then, Happy Parenting!

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