Empathy is about understanding others’ feelings and emotions when they are in pain and otherwise. It is the foundation of lasting relationships that grow on emotions of love and kindness. However, in today’s technology-centric world, the quality of empathy is something that is fading away. And the impact can be seen on not only the souring relationships among humans, but even our environment and Mother Earth haven’t remained untouched by the negativity. It is hence our duty to try and teach empathy to our children right from a young age so that we can get hold of the things before it’s too late.

So, on that note, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, ranked among the Best Schools in Meerut, have brought for you in this article today some easy yet effective ways to show and teach empathy to your kids. We are sure that following these will help your kids to grow into compassionate and responsible individuals.

  • Act kind towards others

No denying, parents are the best role models for kids. As such, when they see you being kind and loving, they will also learn to adopt the same kind of behavior. For example, when you help an elderly person cross the road, your child also feels that he must help the ones in need. Thus, showing that you care, being there for someone else, and sharing the same feelings with your friends and family are a few ways to show your kids the act of kindness towards others and the happiness it brings to you from within.

  • Let your child know the reason behind other’s bad words

Upon being treated badly by a friend, instead of allowing your child to be rude, explain to him about the possible reasons his friend might have behind such a response. Tell your child that his friend may have a bad day which led him to behave that way. Instead of growing seeds of hatred and rudeness, educate your kid to understand other’s perspectives as well.

  • Talk about stories and real-life situations


Ask simple questions to your child, like what will he do if his friend falls down in the playground? Or simply ask him what’s to be done if his dog is not feeling well? Discussing similar real-life situations opens up a space for understanding the kid’s feelings towards others. Conversing about fictional characters can also help here. Letting the kids know how one can support others play a great role in growing empathy in the children. 

  • Acknowledgment is needed

Keep in mind that your little ones are observing you and learning from the same. When you acknowledge someone for their help, your child learns the art of acknowledgment from this. Thus, do not forget to thank the person at the store who helped you with your big bags of groceries, and see how your child also grabs the lesson of thanking others for their help. This boosts a feeling of gratitude and thankfulness in the child. The kid will learn in the process that he/she must acknowledge others for their efforts.

  • Discourage competition among siblings

It is common in most households to encourage the kids to complete their tasks by giving a competitive angle to them. “Let’s see who finishes up the food first!” or “See, your sister is doing her homework faster than you!” This encourages a sense of rivalry among the young minds, and the kids then begin to consider their brother/sister as a major obstruction in their way of success. Thus, rather than competition, try to grow an atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation. This will not only render a message of being helpful and compassionate but also make them more empathetic towards other family members.

At Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the best schools in Meerut, we firmly believe that empathy, compassion, respect, etc., are some of the crucial traits that must be fostered in our youth. And to that end, nothing can work better than demonstrating the same to them through our own acts of kindness. The more we act benevolent and caring towards others, the better are the chances for our kids to embrace the qualities of empathy and compassion.

As such, it’s our responsibility to nurture our kids in such a way that they grow into kind and lovable human beings we all can be proud of. And for that, the only thing needed is enormous patience and time. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we strive to fulfill our responsibility of being the mentors of young minds by providing them with not just the finest quality of holistic education but also vital life skills and good character traits. And with the foundation laid right at a young age, we are certain that our kids will definitely walk the path of empathy and responsibility in life ahead.

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