
While academic excellence is at the core of our mission, we understand that education encompasses more than just textbooks and examinations. It also involves imparting essential life skills and values that shape the character of our students. In this article, we delve into the crucial life skill of teaching kids about sharing—a skill that has a profound impact on their personal development and their role in society.

As one of the “Top CBSE Schools in Meerut,” Dayawati Modi Academy is dedicated not only to academic excellence but also to nurturing well-rounded individuals who possess qualities such as empathy, compassion, and a strong sense of community. Teaching kids about sharing is an integral part of our educational philosophy, as we believe that sharing is more than a polite gesture; it is a fundamental life skill that fosters cooperation, understanding, and positive relationships.

  1. Understanding the Importance of Sharing

At Dayawati Modi Academy, we believe that sharing is an essential aspect of human interaction. It goes beyond merely dividing possessions; it involves understanding that we live in a world where we must coexist and collaborate with others. Teaching kids about the importance of sharing begins with this fundamental understanding—the idea that sharing is a way to build harmonious relationships and contribute positively to the world.

  1. Creating a Sharing-Friendly Environment

To teach kids about sharing effectively, it is crucial to create an environment that encourages and reinforces sharing behaviours. Our classrooms at Dayawati Modi Academy are thoughtfully designed to promote collaboration and sharing among students. From collaborative projects to shared resources, students experience firsthand the benefits of working together and sharing ideas. 

  1. The Role of Teachers and Parents

Teachers and parents play a pivotal role in teaching kids about sharing. Dayawati Modi Academy recognizes the significance of collaboration between educators and parents in this process. We maintain open lines of communication with parents to ensure that the lessons learned at school are reinforced at home, creating a consistent message about the importance of sharing.

Our teachers at Dayawati Modi Academy are not just educators but also role models. They exemplify sharing and cooperation in their interactions with students, demonstrating the significance of sharing in everyday life. This approach helps students see the real-world applications of sharing and cooperation.

  1. Teaching Sharing through Play

Play is a natural and effective way to teach kids about sharing. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we incorporate interactive and cooperative games into our curriculum. Through activities such as group games, teamwork exercises, and collaborative projects, students learn that sharing leads to fun and positive experiences.

These activities help students understand that sharing is not just about dividing toys or resources but also about sharing experiences, joy, and success. Through play, children grasp the idea that when they share, they create a positive and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

  1. Leading by Example

One of the most effective ways to teach kids about sharing is by leading by example. Dayawati Modi Academy’s faculty and staff model sharing and cooperation in their interactions with students. This modelling demonstrates that sharing is not limited to childhood but is a lifelong practice that contributes to the betterment of society.

By witnessing sharing behaviours in adults, students at Dayawati Modi Academy are more likely to internalize and emulate these behaviours. They come to understand that sharing is not only expected but also deeply valued in our school community and in society at large.

  1. Fostering Empathy

Empathy and sharing are closely intertwined. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we believe in nurturing empathy in children. By helping students understand how others may feel when they share or don’t share, we promote a sense of compassion and consideration.

Our educators engage students in discussions and activities that encourage them to imagine the feelings and perspectives of others. This fosters a deeper understanding of the impact of their sharing behaviours on those around them, reinforcing the importance of empathy in the sharing process.

  1. Sharing Beyond Material Possessions

While sharing often conjures images of toys and possessions, we emphasize at Dayawati Modi Academy that sharing goes beyond material goods. We encourage students to share their thoughts, ideas, and even their time. This broader perspective on sharing helps children develop a more profound sense of generosity and community.

By sharing their ideas and collaborating on projects, students learn that sharing extends to knowledge, creativity, and experiences. This holistic view of sharing encourages them to be active participants in their communities, contributing not only material resources but also their unique skills and talents.

  1. Conflict Resolution and Sharing

Conflicts can arise when children are learning to share, and these conflicts provide valuable opportunities for growth. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we teach students conflict resolution skills that empower them to express their feelings and find solutions collaboratively.

Students learn effective communication, active listening, and problem-solving techniques that enable them to navigate sharing-related conflicts constructively. This approach promotes a positive attitude toward sharing by teaching children that conflicts can be resolved through communication and cooperation.

  1. Recognizing and Celebrating Sharing

Acknowledging and celebrating sharing behaviours is an essential aspect of our approach. Dayawati Modi Academy regularly holds events and activities that highlight acts of sharing and kindness among students. This positive reinforcement encourages children to continue sharing and reinforces the idea that sharing is a virtue to be celebrated.

Our school community comes together to recognize and appreciate the efforts of students who demonstrate exemplary sharing behaviours. These celebrations not only boost the self-esteem of the children involved but also inspire others to follow suit.

  1. Encouraging Responsibility

Responsibility and sharing are closely intertwined concepts. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we teach students that when they share, they are taking responsibility for creating a better environment for themselves and others. Sharing becomes a way for students to contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.

By understanding the connection between sharing and responsibility, children learn that they play an active role in shaping their surroundings. They realize that their actions have an impact and that by sharing, they can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

  1. Practicing Patience

Sharing can sometimes be challenging, especially for younger children who are still developing their social and emotional skills. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we help students develop patience by explaining that waiting for their turn to play with a toy or participate in an activity is a part of sharing.

By practising patience, children learn to manage their impulses and emotions, which are valuable skills that serve them well throughout their lives. Patience also helps them approach sharing with a positive attitude, understanding that the rewards of patience are often worth the wait.

  1. Building a Supportive Community

Dayawati Modi Academy fosters a supportive and inclusive community where students learn to rely on and assist each other. This sense of belonging and interdependence encourages sharing and collaboration. Our school culture emphasizes that when one student succeeds, the entire community benefits.

Through collaborative projects, teamwork, and mentorship opportunities, students experience firsthand the rewards of cooperation and sharing. They develop a strong sense of community and come to understand that their individual contributions, no matter how small, are integral to the success of the larger group. 

  1. The Long-Term Impact of Teaching Sharing

Teaching kids about sharing is not just a short-term endeavour; it has a lasting impact on their lives. Dayawati Modi Academy believes that by imparting this vital life skill, we are shaping students into empathetic, compassionate, and cooperative individuals who will contribute positively to society.

As our students grow and transition into adulthood, they carry with them the lessons of sharing and cooperation that they learned at Dayawati Modi Academy. These values become an integral part of their character, influencing their interactions with family, friends, colleagues, and their broader communities. By instilling a positive attitude toward sharing, we prepare our students to build meaningful relationships, collaborate effectively, and contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.


In conclusion, teaching kids about sharing is a fundamental aspect of education at Dayawati Modi Academy, renowned as the “Best School in Meerut” and recognized as one of the “Top CBSE Schools in Meerut.” Sharing is not just a social nicety; it is a skill that fosters cooperation, empathy and a positive attitude toward others. Through our comprehensive approach to teaching sharing, which includes creating a sharing-friendly environment, leading by example, fostering empathy, and celebrating sharing behaviours, we equip our students with the tools they need to become generous, compassionate, and successful individuals.

Sharing is not limited to material possessions; it encompasses thoughts, ideas, time, and experiences. By teaching children to share holistically, we help them understand that their contributions, no matter how small, have a meaningful impact on the world around them. As our students carry these lessons into adulthood, they become agents of positive change, working toward a more inclusive and harmonious society. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we believe that teaching kids about sharing is an investment in a better future, where empathy and cooperation are valued above all else.

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