The coronavirus outbreak has caused major disruptions to daily life for all of us, and even after all these months, it seems like we are still adjusting to this new normal every day. As such, it’s even harder for our children who are feeling these changes deeply. Just imagine, if we are finding it hard to deal with the uncertainties of the situation, how difficult it must be for the children! Their normal routines of classrooms and school playgrounds have gone for a toss for months now, with no certainty about when those routines will be set back again.

In such a scenario, it is of utmost importance to pay special attention to the mental health and wellness of our kids. So today, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, one among the Top 10 CBSE Schools in Meerut, would like to share with you all a few insights in this regard.

The need is to understand the anxiousness among children

As we already mentioned, children are going through a lot of changes these days. There is disruption of everyday activities such as the sudden split from friends, not being able to visit the play area or park, and of course, not going to school. In fact, even seeing the impact of stress on their parents is worrying for the kids. When they see you discussing the dire situations and handling home and office at the same time, they also absorb a significant amount of stress.

Thus, while dealing with change is being difficult for most individuals, it is even harder for the kids. In fact, there has been more anxiousness among kids amid the pandemic than ever before. This is why we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, firmly believe that it is crucial for us to make sure that our children are mentally healthy and happy in this situation, which is indeed necessary for their overall well-being.

Tips to take care of the mental health of kids in the current scenario

While we are on the subject, we would like to highlight a few tips that can help you take better care of the mental health of kids in the current scenario.

  • Listen to their concerns and answer their queries:

It is natural for kids to have concerns and queries about the covid-19 situation in the country. Thus, instead of avoiding their questions, which will only add to their anxiety and fear, try to answer them with the utmost honesty while reassuring them that things will go back to normal soon.

  • Avoid continuous discussions about the pandemic:

If the TV constantly plays news about the pandemic and the dinnertime discussions focus on it as well, it will add to the worries of the kids. We can understand that it’s hard not to talk about this subject, but our advice would be to avoid it in front of the kids as much as possible.

  • Plan fun activities for the family to enjoy together:

Family fun time is a great way to divert kids’ attention from the pandemic into something enjoyable and entertaining. You can have a game night or movie night planned at home, where you let the kids choose the games or the movies. In fact, why not make it a regular weekend thing?

  • Let kids stay in touch with their friends and cousins:

Physical distancing from their buddies is also a cause of distress for the kids. Thus, it would be good if you can help them stay in touch with their cousins and friends by calling them up or through video calls. After all, our kids also have a lot of catching up to do with their best buds!

We, at Dayawati Modi Academy, positioned among the top 10 CBSE schools in Meerut, firmly believe that mental health is crucial, and though a lot is generally discussed about it with respect to adults, equal care should also be taken in the case of kids. And to that end, we hope the tips shared in this article above will help you ensure the same for your children. Having said that, we would also like to state in this regard that just as you take care of your kids’ mental health, it is equally significant to take care of your own mental and physical health amid the pandemic as well. After all, the pandemic is certainly an unforeseen scenario, and the best we can do is to stay safe and keep our loved ones protected at the same time. Isn’t it!

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