Introduction:- Education is a dynamic journey that extends far beyond the confines of a classroom, and Dayawati Modi Academy (DMA), a distinguished CBSE school based in Meerut with an illustrious legacy of 42 years, exemplifies this holistic approach. DMA has consistently been…

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Every generation has a different problem growing in their respective period. For today’s generation, the problem is excessive reliance and usage of electronic devices. Whether you’re a proud parent to a teenager or a pre-schooler, you cannot keep your child away from…

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Introduction While academic excellence is at the core of our mission, we understand that education encompasses more than just textbooks and examinations. It also involves imparting essential life skills and values that shape the character of our students. In this article, we…

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Introduction In the thriving city of Meerut, where educational choices abound, Dayawati Modi Academy shines as the “Best School in Meerut.” While academic excellence is central to our mission, we understand that every child is unique and learns differently. In this article,…

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