The mankind has surely come a long way today. We have advanced in terms of technology, education, industrialization, and many other aspects. However, if you see deep down our societal framework, do you really think we have advanced in the true sense? No! That’s because the fundamental problem of gender inequality still exists in our society.

It is still considered a mother’s job to cook for everyone and take care of the children, whereas the father’s job is to go to work and earn money. And no, the inequality doesn’t just remain limited to adults; the same applies to children as well. How many of you let your boys play with kitchen sets and pink Peppa Pig toys? Or how many of you let your girls play with cars or play football? Though it might not look like a problem superficially, it turns into a major issue when the seeds of inequality are sown in the young minds right during childhood!

Thus, if you want your children to feel they are all equal, you need to make sure that you follow gender equality at each and every phase of their development. And for that to happen, it is important that you bring about the change right at your home and embrace the concept with an open mind.

So, in this article today, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, a renowned CBSE school in Meerut, will be sharing with you a few tips on how you can inculcate a sense of gender equality in your kids and help them grow with an open mindset.

  • Lead by example

We all know that kids learn faster than adults. That’s because they learn a lot by observing around them. You, the parents, are the role models for them, and they carefully watch your words and actions and follow the same. It is thus very important for you to remain watchful of your actions and words whenever you are around your kids. When you create a positive, empowering, and unbiased environment at home, you basically lead the kids to do the same. When they see both parents helping in the kitchen and with household chores, they gradually absorb the idea that all are equal and will grow with a strong belief in gender equality.

  • Let the father be involved

For a very long time, taking care of the child has been put as the mother’s primary responsibility.  However, in the current times when both the parents are contributing towards earning for the family, it is necessary that even the fathers get equally involved in parenting the kids. This not just removes stress from the mother but also lets the father participate in family activities. When the father remains equally involved in raising the kids, they begin seeing the father as equal to the mother and bond better with them.

  • Respect their choices

At Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the leading CBSE schools in Meerut, we firmly believe that when teaching gender equality to kids, it is important that you don’t restrict their choices within the boundaries of gender bias. For instance, when it comes to getting toys for your kids, don’t say no to your little boy if he wants to play with the Peppa Pig toy.  Likewise, if your girl wants to play with remote-controlled cars or robots, let her do that. After all, likes and dislikes don’t have any gender. Isn’t it! If you restrict the child to these basic things, which is basically a mindset issue, they will stop expressing themselves and never be able to develop a sense of gender equality.

  • Use gender-neutral language

As a parent, you should be careful of the language you use to communicate with your kids. You should use gender-neutral words and avoid words that discriminate in any sense and make any particular gender person feel left out. Teach your kids to respect everyone irrespective of their gender by using neutral language.  

We have entered the times where females are showcasing equal capabilities in almost every sphere of life as their male counterparts. Likewise, fields like cooking and fashion, which were once considered to be apt for females, today, have men gaining a lot of success in them! As such, there remains absolutely no place for any kind of discrimination against any gender, and it is high time our kids understand the same. At Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the most trusted CBSE school in Meerut, we believe it is high time we stress the importance of gender equality and prepare our kids for the future where traditional ways of thinking about male and female roles will no longer exist. This is the only way to pave the way for a future where there will be an equal place for each and every member of society.

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