Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless, unconditional, and forgiving – T.P. Chia

Parenting is an art and a matter of personal choice. You decide exactly how you wish to parent your child. There are some parents who always encourage a free spirit in their children, while there are some who have an increased bent towards perfectionism. There are many parents who want their children to master all trades. However, the problem arises when in a bid to stand up as ‘perfect’ parents, they begin putting down the whole idea of happy parenting and strive for perfection in their own parenting techniques and expect the same from children as well.

Happy parents display an exact opposite scenario. This is exactly why it is said that happy parents raise happy children. Such children are usually content with their achievements, have high self-worth, and are mentally in a better place.

This is why we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the top schools in Meerut, firmly believe that if you really wish to groom your kids into happy, confident, and successful individuals, then stop striving for turning yourself into perfect parents, rather work on being happy! This will pass on similar emotions to your children as well. Avoid setting unworkable goals before your children and instead, work towards having a happy and budding relationship with them.

What Do Happy Parents Look Like?

  • Highly supportive:

Happy parents are those who only see the good in their children. They are often seen building the child’s confidence while helping the child to see himself in good light. Such parents stand by their children come what may. Even when the child hasn’t given his best, be it in academics or otherwise, they do not question his abilities. This, in turn, improves the parent and child bond and helps children to be more open about their abilities and desires.


  • Free from expectations:

A happy parent is often a great guide and mentor. The only idea they preach to their children is to display complete devotion and dedication to any activity that they are to take up. Happy parents do not lay unrealistic expectations before their children. They teach them to accept their limitations and move past them. Children love to have happy parents around. Largely, such parents contribute positively to the early development of children.


At Dayawati Modi Academy, ranked among the top schools in Meerut, we believe that the primary objective should always be helping children understand that there is something unique and special in each of them. Hence, instead of comparing, it is always better to encourage children to pursue their calling and applaud them for the smallest of their achievements.


  • Calm and patient:

Happy parents are those who are good at controlling their anger. Such parents should be given complete credit for being calm and patient, even in the most challenging situations involving children. It is this approach adopted by happy parents, which prevents their children from fearing their parents. When children know that their parents are always going to be available for them without judging or questioning them, they are sure to be more responsible.


  • Approachable:

Parents, who are excessively stern towards children, are unable to understand what is going on in their child’s mind. This thereby gets showcased in the form of the child’s inability to share his thoughts with the parent. Contrary to this, happy parents are highly approachable. Children do not hesitate to strike a conversation with such parents and do not fear approaching them for guidance and advice.

Why Be An Unhappy Parent, When You Can Be A Happy One!!

As a parent, your child will always be your most cherished blessing. The need is to understand this fact and stop feeling guilty about your not-so-perfect ways of parenting. Trust us; it is your happiness that implants a ray of hope and joy in their tender minds. So, focus on being a happy parent, and this will set the path for your kids to find and gain their confidence, self-worth, happiness, and much more.

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