Did you know that Indian cuisine has found a place for itself among the top 10 world-famous cuisines? Indian delicacies are particularly popular in countries like the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Germany, France, and the US. In fact, people in over 24 countries eat and celebrate Indian food!

From Masala Chai to Masala Chaas, Rajma to Sambar, Hare Bhare Kebab to Dal Pakwan, every Indian state has its own specials. However, the best part is that Indian food stands out for more than its lip-smacking taste. It is a mix of rich ingredients that come together to bestow you with some incredible health benefits.

Yes, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, a renowned best school in Meerut, understand that as a parent, you have your obvious reasons to turn to Indian food as far as your child’s meals are concerned. After all, what’s healthier than freshly made homemade food! Today, we thought, why not make your love for Indian food deeper by sharing some in-built traits of ingredients that are home to India!

So, here’s presenting our “Food for Thought” list 2022 for all the doting parents out there, which will introduce you to some of the lesser-known powers of the ingredients used in Indian food. Read on.

  • Turmeric

As we all know, turmeric forms a crucial ingredient in most Indian dishes. However, not many are aware that its role is far more important than giving the curries and gravies their typical color. This wonder spice helps keep inflammation and allergies miles away and is thus very good for building immunity. Plus, there are multiple ways of feeding that tiny tummy with a bang-on dose of turmeric. You can add it either to the food or can also add a pinch in their glass of milk.

  • Cumin

Wouldn’t you love to see your child bustling with energy and good health at all times? Who doesn’t! But do you know a generous cumin addition to the vegetable can help you get the task done? Cumin seeds are a go-to for improved metabolism and good gut health. Besides, cumin is also known to be highly effective in beating the cold.

  • Carom

How often is it that your child avoids eating food claiming to be full? Or does your child keeps complaining of stomach ache quite often? If your child’s digestive health is what’s troubling you or you are keen about enhancing your child’s appetite, then look no further than carom seeds. This Indian spice is a perfect accomplice for all digestive issues!

  • Sesame

Don’t you want your child to enjoy exposure to vital nutrients like iron, calcium, anti-oxidants, and heaps of other nutrients?

Sesame seeds work as an excellent source of such nutrients, contributing to children’s healthy weight gain and strengthening of bones and muscles.

  • Cinnamon

Dental problems do not take time to crop up in children. If you want to keep germs and cavities miles away from children, make sure to sprinkle cinnamon over your child’s favorite croissant. It will give tooth pain and bad breath a tough fight.

You must know that apart from the above spices, there are other major ingredients like cardamom, ginger, and coriander, which, if used in any Indian delicacy, not just add to its taste and richness but also have their own roles to play in improving health and immunity.

As one of the best school in Meerut, we, at Dayawati Modi Academy, thought that it would be a good idea to remind all you lovely parents about these fulfilling spices that can work wonders in improving your child’s immune system, brain function, and overall urge to eat well.

Hence, let your kids also know how the little things forming a crucial part of their dals and curries are aiding to build their health. This will help raise their interest in the food they are eating. Don’t be surprised if your child demands a second serving too!

We can assure you that in the days to come, you will not have to run behind your child with a plate full of food. Instead, your child would be looking forward to being seated at the dining table and go yum yum yum.

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