Contrary to the widely believed notion, kids these days do not necessarily have stress-free lives. The only distinction between their and adults’ lives is a different set of responsibilities. The fact is that the modern lifestyle and society’s expectations of kids have compelled them to wear multiple hats simultaneously. Schooling, homework, self-study, extracurricular activities, etc., usually occupy most of their daily schedule, leaving them with little to no time for themselves.

It is where the art of after-school balance comes into the picture. We at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the top cbse schools in meerut, firmly believe that kids should maintain a healthy balance between their academic and personal lives because it is crucial for their holistic development. Here, we would like to highlight that after-school balance is more than a mere buzzword; it is the strategic time allocation, necessary for balancing academic commitments, extracurricular activities, and downtime.

We’re sure none of you would want to see your kids burnt out with little to no excitement towards life. Hence, we at Dayawati Modi Academy would like to encourage all kids to embrace after-school balance.

Embark on a Journey Driven by After-School Balance

There are different ways to strike a healthy after-school balance, but we recommend starting with simpler methods. To make it easier, we have created a list of easy-to-follow yet powerful methods that can empower children to create and maintain a healthy after-school balance.

  • Prioritize and Plan

Everyone has the same 24 hours, but what makes some achieve more in the same timeframe than others is proper planning and task prioritization. Parents and educators must teach kids how to plan their day and prioritize tasks based on urgency and deadlines.

You don’t need anything fancy to start prioritizing and planning because something as simple as a to-do list can be really potent. It can help kids manage time effectively by nudging them to first tackle high-priority tasks, ensuring a sense of accomplishment in the first half of the day.

  • Create a Structured Routine

Spontaneity is good, but a structured routine can be more powerful for some. If your kids always feel they’re missing out on important activities, despite working most of the day, they need a better structured routine.

Dayawati Modi Academy recommends it to every student because it provides a defined framework for the day that is stress-free, less chaotic, and relaxing. When kids stick to a structured routine, they get more done in the same time and begin developing healthy habits.

  • Set Realistic Goals

A common mistake that children must avoid so as to achieve after-school balance is setting unrealistic daily goals. Goal-setting is integral for a productive day, but it will deliver the desired results only if the goals are realistic and achievable. So start small with goal setting and celebrate every small achievement. You can gradually scale the goals and secure massive wins.

  • Encourage Downtime

Never view downtime as a luxury or waste of time because it is as essential as any other task on your list. Downtime gives children the time necessary to engage in activities they love and enjoy. It boosts productivity and keeps burnout at bay. So, whether your kids love reading or playing a musical instrument, indulging in self-care activities like meditation and yoga or playing their favorite sport, they should be encouraged to include these activities in their daily routine.

  • Foster an Open Communication Environment

Kids are capable of planning and prioritizing their daily tasks but may sometimes need assistance. When you create an environment ideal for open communication, kids can freely share their experiences and feelings. As a result, when they feel stressed or overwhelmed, they can communicate it to their parents for personalized guidance and assistance, which is crucial for the perfect after-school balance.

Key Points to Remember

Now that you understand why achieving a healthy after-school balance is important and have also come across some practical ways to create it, we now want you to pay attention to the following points:

  • Embrace Flexibility

While following a structured routine is important, being flexible is better. Flexibility enables people to promptly adjust to unexpected events or inevitable workload changes. When children become flexible, achieving after-school balance becomes easy.

  • Conduct Regular Check-Ins

As a parent, make sure to routinely check whether children can keep up with their after-school balance. If not, help them assess what’s not working and what can be incorporated for better results.

  • Choose Quality Over Quantity

Children must realize that doing more isn’t necessarily the best way to achieve more; the quality of tasks matters. Encourage kids to always create a to-do list with more meaningful tasks that contribute to their holistic development.


Everyone needs a healthy balance in life to progress holistically while ensuring nothing important is missed. It is exactly what the after-school balance helps kids achieve. We at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the best cbse school in meerut, view after-school balance as a masterpiece in progress, unique to individuals. If you want your kids to thrive in all aspects of life, encourage them to implement the methods discussed above. It will help them discover their passion, grow holistically, manage time efficiently, and prevent burnout.

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