Ask any modern-world parent about the kind of school they would want to have for their children, and a unanimous answer would be the one that is capable of moulding children to not just excel in academics but also come out as…

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Did you know that Indian cuisine has found a place for itself among the top 10 world-famous cuisines? Indian delicacies are particularly popular in countries like the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Germany, France, and the US. In fact, people in…

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The constant clamor for attention by your child can, of course, get quite overwhelming for you as a parent. However, you’re not the only parent who’s experiencing this problem! The continual need for attention by children is a common issue in most…

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A survey found that 46 percent of kids, particularly teenagers, are afraid of failing. While we understand that failure is something most people, not just kids but also adults, wouldn’t want to experience, the question is if there is really a need…

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We all know that social media has taken the world by storm. With the introduction of the digital age, it has become rather impossible to eliminate the presence of social media. Moreover, social media is no longer viewed as a negative influence….

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No denying parents play a crucial role in the growth and development of children. Just like all the other aspects of growth, parents also contribute in several ways towards improving their child’s cognitive skills. Although enrolling your child in formal classes is…

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 The mankind has surely come a long way today. We have advanced in terms of technology, education, industrialization, and many other aspects. However, if you see deep down our societal framework, do you really think we have advanced in the true sense?…

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The world is witnessing a recent fad of people enrolling themselves in foreign language courses. It is less of a ripple effect and more the need of the hour. There is no denying that the globe has shrunk compared to a decade…

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Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless, unconditional, and forgiving – T.P. Chia Parenting is an art and a matter of personal choice. You decide exactly how you wish to parent your child. There are some parents who always…

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Reading and writing are indeed the most essential life skills. They are vital for not only the academic development of children but come to their aid in every walk of life.  Particularly reading is one such skill that is often associated with…

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